Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year... A few words from old...


Into the ears of youth
comes the truth
of Old.

Come, the words so softly spoke,

That bind the mouth with yoke:

All is lost and, nothing gained,

Yet, it all remains the same.

Symbols, symbols of the past

Show the thoughts that, surely, last.

Tongues in anguish wearily cry

What? Who? When? Where? How? And Why?

Out of the years of youth
comes the truth
of old.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Wish


Emily plays with lint fibers
in the air.
She uses spoons
for major excavation.

She makes her own food,
But never seems to eat well
without the consumption of ours!

Emily loves us and shows us with
butterfly kisses, warm hugs,
and sweet words that she finds
in the depths of her young heart.

She calls her disagreement hate.
She calls her anger hate.
Which is not unlike several
long past her age.

She calls her eyes rivers
and she sometimes cries just to see them flow.
That's what she says.
She says she is too young to be sad.

We believe what she tells us.

She tells us of the world and we listen.
We of older years are said to be better -
Look at Emily.
If you could see Emily then you would know.

Emily is the color of rainbows.
She tells us where lilacs grow.
She walks us to the pond's edge
and shows us what ripples are.
She dances in warm circles,
all colored with pretty smiles.
She chooses our songs.
Lovely songs that move our hearts
and her feet
to the beat of her young little heart.

Emily loves us and we know this so well.

If you knew her; If you were here
you, too, would never go.

Now Emily owns a chateau
that overlooks the world.
She tells us of the weathered world
and just where the weather will go-
If it will snow;
If the rains are coming;
How much sun will stay today.

My heart lies in a chateau now
that overlooks the world...
With Emily.
I watch her dance every while
and feel her dancing,
her every step bouncing in my heart.

Emily is only three.
She talks to us
Of loving.
We know she always will
Until our hearts grow still
And we go to meet her
Where she always goes.
Where it shines sun or snows.
For, that is what she likes,
Sun or Snow.

~Brian Rickert

My Christmas Wish is that you see all the smiles on the faces and in the hearts of every child you see on Christmas, whether yours or the children of others. And that you remember the gratitude and thanks for every moment of joy that you receive in your heart from them. There is no conflict or strife in this world that a child's sweet smile cannot halt.

Merry Christmas to all.